In the realm of Jo: Hwa, where translations whisper of profound significance beneath the surface of harmony, change holds immense power. Welcome to Jo: Hwa Hair & Living, where we believe in the transformative potential that lies within each individual. With over a decade of dedicated study in shapes and suitability, our salon is devoted to enhancing your well-being through positive change.

Derived from the Korean character "조," Jo translates to "make" in English. It symbolizes our unwavering commitment to actively collaborate with you, utilizing our expertise to bring forth the best version of yourself. Through Jo, we aspire to make a lasting difference in your life, helping you embrace your unique qualities and augment your natural beauty.

The delicate essence of Hwa, woven through the character "화," embodies the profound nature of positive transformations. Like blossoms blooming in a sunlit garden, Hwa reflects our understanding that true beauty and fulfilment stem from within. It encompasses the holistic concept of inner growth, self-expression, and self-confidence, surpassing mere superficiality.

At Jo: Hwa Hair & Living, we redefine the traditional salon experience, setting new expectations. Stepping into our sanctuary should be a transformative journey, where exceptional hair services merge with an innate sense of self-renewal.

Change starts here at Jo: Hwa. By offering a holistic approach to hair care and well-being, we create a nurturing and uplifting environment. Within these walls, you can embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery and self-expression. Together, we shall enhance not only your outer beauty but also enrich your overall living experience.

- Jo: Hwa Hair & Living

팀 조화는 아름다운 헤어스타일 그보다 본질적인 것에 집중합니다.

표면적인 외모의 요소 뿐만이 아닌, 고객 본연의 모습을 보고 각자의 삶에 스며 들 수 있는 조화로움을 찾아내어 최적의 어울림을 이루어 냅니다.

'조화'는 서로 잘 어울린다는 뜻과 동시에 '변화를 만들다.'라는 의미를 갖습니다.

‘조화'는 당신의 삶을 더 편하게 만들기 위한 지속적인 것을 제공합니다.

팀 조화는 살롱 거울속에서 보이는 아름다움 뿐만이아닌, 그 후 지속적인 삶의 변화를 줄 수 있는것에 큰 의미를 두며 그동안 살롱에서, 그리고 살롱을 떠난 후 느껴보지 못했던 새로운 경험을 약속합니다

이곳에서 변화가 시작됩니다.

- 조화 헤어 & 리빙 -